Women soldiers fighting on the frontline

US defence secretary Leon Panetta last week announced that the US military has officially lifted the ban preventing women soldiers from fighting on the frontline. This week, we asked the man and woman in the street whether they thought women should fight on the frontline. Their comments follow:

20130128lindanilesLinda Niles, stall owner – ‘No, I do not think women should be in the army because the Bible states that the men should provide for their families and not women. Women should be home taking care of their husbands and children. Certain jobs in this world are made solely for men but not for women.’

20130128drupattiejaikissoonDrupattie Jaikissoon, stall owner – ‘Yes, I believe that women have the right to do anything they put their mind to. There are some brave women all over this world, because which man do you see can go through childbirth like women do? What men can do in this working society women can do much better.’


20130128mikeglasgowMike Glasgow, taxi driver – ‘Yes, I do believe that women should be able to fight in the war alongside with men on the frontline. This is what we call equality between men and women with the kind of job and lifestyle they want to pursue. I have to say that Hillary Clinton is like a role model to women who want to do the same thing like men.’



20130128richardfrasierRichard Frasier, security guard –
‘Yes, I think women should be able to do whatever men can in this world. Women should have equal rights as men in everything that they do, concerning the type of careers. Why must men have the privilege to do any kind of job, while women stay home and watch their children?’


20130128lakeralkubeerLakeral Kubeer, farmer – ‘No, I do not think that women should be in the army at all. Men are built for those kinds of jobs that women are running after to do. Women should be home looking after the home and children. All of the weapons and equipment used in the army; women can barely lift them much less to use them.’


20130128vibertjohnsonVibert Johnson, photographer – ‘I do not like the idea of women fighting in the wars. From the beginning they never had woman soldiers, going back to the biblical days women were not allowed to fight in the battles. Although some of the women may want to fight, I do not think it is right. I have never heard of women soldiers until they were introduced by the United States of America and the United Kingdom.’


20130128josepharmstrongJoseph Armstrong, private sector employee – ‘I think that it is wrong to allow women to fight alongside men in wars. I do think that wars can be solved without losing lives, if we go back to the Bible. In the biblical days women never went to war.’


20130128stephanycarbonStephany Carbon, private sector employee – ‘I believe that women should not be allowed to join the army. Back in the days women were not allowed to fight and I feel that this job is built for men because their bodies are suitable for this. I have seen movies with women at war and I do not think that their bodies are suitable for such strenuous tasks. I do not see a problem with women joining the marines but they should not be allowed on the battlefields. Women should be allowed to do the paperwork since putting them out there is very risky.’


20130128dwightcrawfordDwight Crawford, soldier – ‘Females should join the army because both males and females go through the same training, however, the females are given a lighter training. Everybody should go to the frontline. Being out there is like a life and death situation and it is a sacrifice for your country. Females would usually join the army as cooks, clerks while the men patrol and handle the guns.’


20130128odessaromeoOdessa Romeo, soldier –  ‘I strongly believe that females should join the army. When someone joins the army they already know what they are getting into, so I think that it is a good idea to have females go into battle and risk their lives for their country.’

Interviews and photos by Neola Damon and Feona Morrison