Dear Editor,
I refer to your report, ‘Wakenaam ferry service the best T&HD can offer at this point – Merchant’ in SN, January 29.
While one might accept there is nothing we can do about the amount of ferrying being done presently, why is it that the GM of the T&HD can have the Wakenaam ferry information published in the Guyana Chronicle but not inform the clerk and have the schedule put up for all to see? This is basic management.
The bottomless excuse that “the vessel’s departure time however is sporadic, as it depends on the tide” can hold no water. The T&HD or one of its associates publishes tide tables. So why have the tides not been worked out and incorporated into the schedule? Again, this is basic management.
Guyanese citizens, whether in Wakenaam or Wakapau, must be treated as living functioning people who have diverse but valuable contributions to our country in the equally valuable time available to us. It is basic management not to prioritise a load of stone or other non-perishables, but when this is the attitude towards people we should not be surprised when river safety also becomes unenforced.
Yours faithfully,
Alfred Bhulai