Guyana Defence Force Chief of Staff, Commodore Gary Best today met with a group of miners at the Julian Ross Landing in the Cuyuni (Region Seven), where it was alleged, that soldiers menaced and robbed miners in the area.
A release from the army tonight said that some miners identified the soldiers who allegedly carried out the criminal acts. Best also visited Guyana Goldfields at Aurora.
In discussions with the miners, the release said that Best emphasized the need for the miners to come forward and identify the soldiers who allegedly engaged in the acts.
“Once we have evidence that the soldiers came here and went to the backdam and robbed the miners, I will ensure that they are charged and put before the court; and if they have to end up in prison, then they will end up in prison,” he said. “A crime is a crime”, he added.
The release said that he told the group of Guyanese and Brazilian miners that if they did not act to identify the men and have them brought to justice, it could lead to a continuation of such behaviour.
Best, the release said, reassured the miners that providing information against the wrong-doers would not lead to any form of retribution as the alleged perpetrators, if found culpable, would no longer be posted to that area since they would be locked away.
The release said that the miners and their support staff in the community have cooperated with the GDF in its investigations, to the extent that some have identified a GDF officer and soldiers as having been at the Julian Ross Landing where they allegedly conducted criminal acts.
The inquiry into the recently reported alleged robbing of mining camps by a group of soldiers continues and a report is expected to be submitted to the COS shortly, the release added.