Stabroek News

We have to integrate immigrants carefully into our society

Dear Editor,

Recently there were two incidents reported in the media involving Chinese and Guyanese nationals and on both occasions violence was resorted to. I wish to state that many of us as Guyanese have taken note of these two incidents and I would like to urge the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Association to manage the integration of Chinese nationals into our society more carefully. We have enough issues among ourselves.

While an individual has a right to protect his/her person, family and property, this is also a matter of integrating immigrants into our society, whether they be Chinese, Brazilians, Indians, Africans  or others. In addition, if someone commits an offence, our legal system has the capacity to address such offences.
I would also like to strongly reiterate that no human being should disrespect another human being, whether they be dead or alive by kicking or spitting on them.  This is an extremely disrespectful act.

Yours faithfully,
Audreyanna Thomas

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