Stabroek News

Husband remanded on charge he assaulted his wife

A husband accused of assaulting his wife was yesterday remanded to prison after he appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.

The allegation against Rawleston Francois, 53, is that on February 3, at Lance Gibbs Street, Queenstown he unlawfully assaulted Maurine Francois so as to cause her actual bodily harm.

Rawleston pleaded guilty to the charge when it was read to him. He also offered an explanation for his actions.
Rawleston told the court that on the day in question he asked his wife for the keys to the downstairs and he tried to hold her hand to take them from her. “That is exactly what happened,” he added.

After listening to the accused, the magistrate entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf. Maurine was also asked by the magistrate if she would like to give evidence, to which she replied, “yes”.

Maurine told the court that on the day of the incident she was in her bedroom, about to clean it and her husband asked her for the downstairs keys. She said she told him that she did not have the keys. The virtual complainant said that she had some keys in her possession that were on a bunch, but they were not the downstairs keys. She said she threw the keys to her daughter and her husband told the girl “All y’all siding fa y’all muda”.

She said her husband then cursed, scrambled and choked her. She said she managed to bite him and escape. Maurine said she ran to the Alberttown Police Station and reported the matter.

The prosecution objected to bail citing the seriousness of the offence and the punishment it attracts if the defendant is found guilty.
The magistrate then remanded Rawleston and ordered him to appear in court on March 4.

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