Dear Editor,
I share the distress of our Mr GHK Lall and fellow contributors to your letter pages over the lamentable breakdown in civic behaviour which we seem doomed both to suffer and tolerate. However, it is even more tragic when such activity is engaged in with the tacit or even actual approval of governmental authorities. A recent observation of such an evil, in the field of vehicular traffic regulation – or absence of it − has filled me with horror.
Third Street, Alberttown, starting at Cummings Street and stretching eastward into Crown Street up to Irving Street has for many years been established as a Major Road requiring the users of Light, Albert, Oronoque, New Garden and Peter Rose Streets to come to a respectful stop. Well, a sudden change in that historical arrangement took me by surprise in December, 2012 as I proceeded eastward on Third Street and arrived at Albert Street which had been transformed into the major road at this junction. Having come to a sudden stop I sought to assure myself of a safe crossing but on looking left at Albert Street, I encountered what is arguably the blindest corner in the city. There at the north-western quadrant of this junction stands some business place outside of whose eastern boundary was a well concreted and tiled extension of the business premises covering what was once the public parapet. At the eastern extremity stand five or six concrete jardinières with upward growing plants which in combination form a complete blockage to the detection of any vehicle coming from the north along Albert Street. A situation disgusting as it is dangerous. Add to this two or three motor vehicles parked alongside.
Now none of this would have been possible without the consent or active cooperation of the City Council regarding the abuse of the public parapet and the activity of the Commissioner of Police in ignoring this blatant obstruction to clear public view of the major road.
Had I the authority, I should not hesitate to clap into prison the Commissioner of Police, the Traffic Superintendent and the Mayor of Georgetown until they should redress this abominable situation. It is at one and the same time an arrant disrespect for public safety and order and a possible exposure to criminal liability should the establishment of this shameful blind corner be the proven case of injury or death.
Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)