Stabroek News

Namilco warns about ‘bogus’ flour

The National Milling Company of Guyana (Namilco) has issued a press release warning consumers that someone or a company is selling a white substance as flour packaged in a 4.5kg bag marked ‘Product of Guyana’ and carries no expiry or manufacture date.

Namilco would like to inform the public that it has not authorised anyone to re-package its products.  The company said it has been dissuading supermarkets, shops and grocery stores from doing so as it is unhygienic.  Namilco stated that it is the only flour miller in Guyana and from tests it can say that this white substance is not Namilco’s flour.

The release said that in visits to Linden this week the company noticed a lot of these packages being sold.  Namilco has written to the Food and Drug Department and the Guyana National Bureau of Standards to alert them about the health risks.

Namilco stated that it would not accept responsibility for any repercussions emanating from the consumption of this product.

Namilco reminds that it is an ISO 9001 certified company and it adheres to strict guidelines and standards.

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