Stabroek News

Contractors being sought for $615M hydropower plant at Kato

With the green light being given by the European Union (EU) for construction of a $615 million hydropower plant at the Chiung Falls in Kato, Region 8, contractors are now being sought to undertake the project.

Construction of the micro-hydropower plant at Chiung Falls is expected to start by October, according to Prime Minister Sam Hinds, the Tourism and Commerce Ministry said in a statement.

This initiative will comprise a 330-kilowatt micro-hydropower station with its primary energy source being the 36m head waterfall in the Chiung River, near Kato village.

The project is the result of an agreement between the Government of Guyana and the European Union (EU).

The estimated cost is €2,455,797 ($615 million) of which the EU will contribute $460 million, under the 10th European Development Fund (EDF). The Guyana government will contribute €613,949 ($154 million).

However, the go-ahead for this project was subject to the construction of a secondary school, also at Kato.

A source close to the EU project had told Stabroek News that the agreement to have the school constructed was so that the students of the area will be at a central location and be able to utilise the power coming from the project.

On December 11 last year, bids were opened for that project. The bidders were Project Design Inc $520,796,456; Kares Engineering Inc $691,972,139; BK International $736,280,761 and Dookie Construction Services $829,615,070.

Kares Engineering won the contract and construction is to commence soon.

The hydropower project will be divided into two lots. Lot One will deal with the design and construction of the hydropower plant.

The technical specification reveal that the construction will be one  hydropower plant of 330 kW total capacity; supply, installation and commissioning of the 2 turbines, 36 m gross head and 1.16 m3/s total rated discharge; 1 hydropower weir.

Lot Two will deal with the design and construction of the irrigation infrastructure. It includes 1 irrigation weir; 1 irrigation pumping station with 90 kW pumping capacity and 4 pumps; 1,000 m irrigation water feeding pipe; 7,600 cubic metres volume irrigation water storage reservoir.

The procurement notice states that the transmission line supply and installation works will be tendered separately and are not part of this tender.

The deadline for submission of tenders is April 13 and the tenders will be opened at the National Tender Procurement Administration Board, Main and Urquhart Street, on the same day at 10 am.

Interested bidders can visit government’s site for more details.

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