Stabroek News

GFA assistant secretary/treasurer challenges NAWF elections

Georgetown Football Association (GFA) assistant/secretary treasurer Charmine Wade has lodged a protest with the Guyana Football Federation over the recent elections of the National Association for Women’s Football (NAWF).

The NAWF recently held its electoral congress at the GFF office, Dadanawa Street on Saturday where Vanessa Dickenson was returned as president of the body.

But Wade is alleging that the elections were not transparent.

Charmine Wade

In an interview with Stabroek Sport, the former NAWF assistant secretary said that she was lodging a protest because numerous issues and discrepancies were raised with respect to the elections.

“It wasn’t transparent because the eligibility and the constitutionality of the clubs were not duly proven or established prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Also a true copy of the minutes in regards to the last AGM in 2008 was not submitted as constitutionally required,” she alleged.

Wade also said that “there was no submission of the audited financial statement as required by the constitution of the NAWF.

“How can you have an election with no audited financial statement?”asked Wade.

Wade said some of the discrepancies were brought to the attention of the GFF officials present including acting GFF president Franklin Wilson, returning officer of the election process Lyndon France and general secretary of the GFF Noel Adonis but they decided that the elections should go ahead and that the issues that arise will be dealt with.

“The presence of Mr. Aubrey Henry, President (Ag) Mr. Franklin Wilson and General Secretary Mr. Noel Adonis lent basically to the undue influence of the procedure that occurred and in front of all the constitutional breaches and irregularities, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Adonis insisted that the election must go on,” Wade charged.

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