Stabroek News

St Rose’s and St Agnes’ schools never belonged to the Catholic Church as such

Dear Editor,
Please allow me to refer to a report in the March 20th edition of SN – page 17 `Schools in squabble…’
There it is stated “… we keep hearing the Catholic Church wants its building…”

In 1976 the Government of Guyana took control of and assumed responsibility for all the schools belonging to the Catholic Church, along with all other Church and private schools in the country.

St Rose’s and St Agnes’ Schools never belonged to the Catholic Church as such. Moreover, the proprietors of the schools’ property have no say in the allocation of space in the buildings or grounds.

Please ensure that the person responsible for the report cited above research the facts before making erroneous statements.
Thank you for your kind consideration
Yours faithfully,
Mary Peter Ngui, OSU
Ursuline Convent

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