Dear Editor,
I read in the SN March 22nd edition the news item `Charges Soon For Illegal Marudi Miners’ (SN Friday March 22nd 2013) and I could not help wondering what unprofessionalism was on display by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission. Here we are negotiating with the miners and at the same time we are making plans to prosecute. I think the authorities are sending mixed signals in this matter. It defies all conventions on negotiating.
However if the miners are to be charged, and I am not qualified to offer an opinion one way or the other, I do have some concerns of my own that need some clarity. I would be most grateful if the relevant authorities can provide that to me.
1. We all know that Romanex is not in charge of the present operations at Marudi. Romanex only has two staff members in this country. We know that a new company by the name of Mulgravian Ventures Inc. is in charge at Marudi, yet the authorities are very careful not to even allude to that fact. Is there something to hide? If so what is being hidden? Let the public know of this Mulgravian Company. What is their status? Has the necessary paper work been done?
2. The two civilians who so boldly brandished their guns in support of the police during the Marudi beating incident, what is their status? Will they be charged for illegal possession of weapons? Will they be charged for engaging in an operation when they had no legal or professional competence to do so?
3. What about the policeman at the centre of this whole fiasco? Is he still on the job or has he been interdicted? Has he being charged? Will he be ever charged? Or are we grateful that no one had died?
4. What about the various investigations? Are they completed? If no, when can the Guyanese public expect to have these reports?
5. What about the welfare of the miners? Are we going to condemn these 300 souls to unemployment?
It is time these questions be answered honestly. It is time we quit playing politics with the livelihood of our citizens. The GGMC was already caught lying when they declared that not a gram of gold was sold to authorized dealers. The miners were able to nail that one.
What other lies are out there? For one the Ministry and GGMC can start by telling us about Mulgravian Ventures Inc. Please stop insulting our intelligence.
Yours faithfully,
Carl Parker
Regional Councillor