Dear Editor,
GPL is pulling wool over the eyes of their customers and telling then it is high-tech contact lenses. How can a pre-paid service ever be in arrears? In GPL’s pre-paid service customers are told they have full control of the energy they purchase and consume. The customer can regulate on observation which appliances are kilowatt unfriendly and curtail them. There is no inclusion of credit or discount involved. What the customer purchases is what they have at their disposal, and when the amount of kilowatt hours purchased has been consumed, the system shuts itself down. So again I ask of GPL: How can a service entirely paid for beforehand be in arrears? The meter and the interface unit are fully controlled by GPL, Sophia. The speed with which you use your energy is also controlled by them, so you consume even when all energy-using appliances have been unplugged. Every user of a pre-paid meter can test and substantiate my accusation by unplugging all electrical units, noting the balance of kilowatt hours that remain on the unit, returning to the unit after several hours and being surprised by the fact that in whatever way it happens they were still consuming energy. On what? Is the customer interface unit itself consuming energy? Is your meter pre-set to consume energy in a timely fashion?
I would move to require GPL to explain to their customers how this is so.
Every night before I retire I unplug everything electrical for the purpose of saving energy, but mainly for preventing appliances being burnt out by the surge of returning energy while I sleep. So why is my meter still tallying a consumption?
This malfeasance of GPL came to my notice when I engaged all my electrical appliances so as to determine and assess my monthly marginal usage. When the IPL Cricket series got my attention I knew to watch the games I would have to increase my purchase of energy, not as a whole, but in the manner of a back-up.
When I neared the exhaustion of my usual cycle I decided on entering the back-up, but the system would not take the addition. I then involved GPL’s Sophia Plant and they too were unable to add the new amount, they could not deploy.
They then sent me to Main Street, and my explanation sounded to them like a foreign language of which they had no knowledge. I was then issued a replacement of my back-up which coincidentally was the very amount of the so-called arrears. Did the Main Street staff incorrectly adjudicate my back-up problem? I need answers to all the problems here contained. I need these arrears rescinded.
Yours faithfully,
Jorge BowenForbes
Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to Ms Shevion Sears-Murray, the PRO of Guyana Power and Light for any comment she might wish to make.