Stabroek News

What the people say about: Taking care of their health

 The Guyana and Trinidad Mutual Fire and Life Insurance Company in collaboration with the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation recently held a health fair targeting members of the public who were able to be tested for a variety of health issues. In the face of this, we asked the man/woman in the street what are their greatest health worries and what they are doing about them. Their responses follow:


Andrea Rudder

Andrea Rudder-Campbell, housewife – ‘Well I am a diabetic. I have been diagnosed since I was 27 and I am 56 years old now. It is under control and I keep very active and I eat healthy. I have my own testing machine at home and I will check every day depending on how I feel. That is the only thing I worry about right now.’


Malcolm Clarke-Maynard

Malcolm Clarke-Maynard, retired teacher – ‘I have several complications. I am recovering from a series of stones in my gall bladder, urinary bladder and in my kidney. I nearly died last year because of this. As a result, my prostate gland became out of order. I am currently trying to deal with that. I also have gastritis. My sugar and pressure are all right. I exercise and I try to maintain a healthy diet. I also abstain from alcohol.’

Kerwin Lesperance, student- ‘I just came to check my BMI (body mass index), blood sugar and get an HIV test. So far everything is normal and I feel good about it. I am very scared about getting HIV so I make sure that I get tested regularly. I feel good that I was able to get tested today. I normally make sure that I eat right, exercise regularly and take all the necessary precautions.’

Kezia Duncan, student – ‘I have no wealth worries right now. I am young and healthy and I intend to keep it that way. I did all of my tests today and they came back good so I am glad. I came to get my BMI checked along with other tests.’

Shavon Seales, private sector employee – ‘I personally just want to be healthy. I really don’t worry myself about anything. I just want to

Kerwin Lesperance

live a long life. I have no health worries but I still make sure that I get the general tests done.’

 Owen Mason, insurance manager – ‘I try to live clean and watch what I eat. My mother suffers from hypertension and my father suffers from diabetes. Those are the things that I have to watch for because it is hereditary. I don’t exercise a lot right now, but this career keeps me active. I try to eat right because I know that if you don’t eat right it can have an adverse effect on you.’


Kezia Duncan

Sheliza Sagala, clerk – ‘My greatest health worry is obesity because when you are obese it triggers other medical issues, for example high cholesterol. It impacts the body negatively and you are more susceptible to diseases. I normally go to the gym and I have been watching my diet.’

Peir Clements, conservation clerk – ‘My biggest health worries are HIV and diabetes. I ensure that I use protection every time. I also make sure that I get tested regularly. As of now I am tied up with work and studying but I try my best to run a block or two in the morning and to eat right.’

Bibi Shameeza, assistant pharmacist – ‘I am scared of getting diabetes. I am trying to improve my eating habits and I try to exercise right now.  I also try to avoid sweets on the whole. Another one of my big health worries is cervical cancer. I try to take every precaution necessary and I try to do tests often.’

Berthwick Charles, plumber – ‘I suffer from hypertension so that is what I worry about right now. I cut back on salt and eat a lot of steamed

Owen Mason

vegetables and steamed fish and so on. I don’t exercise right now but I used to. I am also scared about getting diabetes so I cut back on my sugar intake too.’

Berthwick Charles
Shavon Seale
Bibi Shameeza
Peir Clements
Sheliza Sagala

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