Dear Editor,
I would like to appeal to the Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Company (GT&T) to unblock access by DSL Lite users to the following website that streams 98.1 HOT FM: A group of spirited overseas-based Guyanese has teamed up from Radio Guyana International to stream the FM station since NCN seems very uninterested to maintain online broadcasts of its radio stations. That is another shameful, sad story over which it is worth penning another letter.
Several investigations have proven that DSL 1Meg customers in Guyana can listen to the link. Overseas listeners are also able to listen; however, local Guyanese who have DSL Lite (a lower speed than the 1Meg connection) have been blocked by the company for some reason or another. Most internet traffic operates on port 80 or 443 so anything that works outside that framework is blocked by the company. The broadcast on that link is being sent over port 7816.
This should not be. All customers of GT&T should have unrestricted access to the internet and its contents regardless of what connection they have, whether it is DSL Lite, Dial-up or even the 1Meg.
I am appealing to the technicians at GT&T to look urgently into this and stop playing ‘Lord’ over the internet.
Yours faithfully,
Leon Suseran