Stabroek News

To Dad with Love for Theatre Guild

Bonny Alves, Charmaine Blackman, Gerard Gilkes, Colin ‘Karaoke King’ Ambrose, Sonia Yarde, Sheron Cadogan-Taylor, Simone Dowding, Abigail Brower, Max Massiah and many other local artistes will take to the stage tomorrow for the fifth annual father’s night production of To Dad with Love under the theme “Stand Tall Daddy” at the Theatre Guild Playhouse from 20:00 hrs sharp.

The songs, dances and dramatic pieces will speak to fathers helping them to see how much they are needed, while sending the strong message that they need to reaffirm their commitment to their families.

Horizons Art Productions (HAP) promises a fun-filled evening during which five fathers will be honoured. In addition, each father entering the theatre will be treated to a complimentary glass of wine and a small token.

The programme is being produced and directed by Sheron Cadogan-Taylor and Mariatha Causway of HAP. “We have seen the joy we have brought to the faces of our dear fathers when we make a sincere effort to make them feel very special, and it warms our hearts and makes us commit to producing this show annually,” Cadogan-Taylor revealed.

Tickets cost $1,000 and are available at the Theatre Guild or from any of the cast members.

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