Stabroek News

Obstetrician sent on leave following death of Luann Rodney, unborn child

With the completion of a report into the  death of 28-year-old Luan Rodney and her unborn child, the obstetrician who was on duty at the time has been sent on administrative leave pending a decision by the Chief Medical Officer.

“The report by the expert committee is complete …and I am urging (Dr) Shanti (Singh) to deal with it as soon as possible as required since it’s now in her arena given she is acting as CMO because (Dr) Shamdeo(Persaud) is on official travel duty,” Minister of Health Dr Bheri Ramsaran told Stabroek News yesterday.

Luan Rodney

He noted that the decision to send the doctor on leave was made by the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.

Ramsarran anticipates that a decision on the issue will soon be made and was confident that the acting CMO will execute duties pertaining to the matter as required.

Rodney and her baby girl died on June 4th during delivery.

Her autopsy revealed she suffered a ruptured uterus and severe haemorrhaging.

Her husband Nigel Rodney has claimed negligence by medical personnel. A vigil was held last week for the young woman outside of the hospital by several concerned persons,  family and friends.

Doctors had expressed dissatisfaction with the way the woman was treated and had opined that it was a death that could have been easily avoided. Concerns were raised as to the use of the pill Cytotec to induce labour. The pill was inserted into her to bring on labour since she was long past her due date. She was due to deliver by May 22 and the pill was inserted on the night of June 3.

According to medical sources, the pill’s use is safe once it is administered by a doctor and the patient is continuously monitored.

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