Stabroek News

Cops still investigating South Dakota death

Police are still investigating the death of David Persaud after his body was found at approximately 21:30 hrs on Sunday slumped over in the driver’s seat of his Toyota Mark II car at the South Dakota Circuit, Timehri, East Bank Demerara.

Family members told Stabroek News that Persaud had a heart condition and he may have suffered a heart attack.

Sabrina Bridgemohan, Persaud’s daughter-in-law said, “he goes to the doctor for his heart so that’s what we are saying that maybe he had a heart attack.” The woman noted that only the front of the vehicle was damaged. She said, “but that was it. So it is all very surprising… We saying heart attack because he leave home and he was okay.”

David Persaud

Persaud’s family members said that about a year ago he purchased a piece of land at the back of the circuit and began farming, in addition to working at his mechanic shop.

Bridgemohan said that her father-in-law would use the circuit to get to the farm and she was not sure of any access road that would have provided an alternative entry. She said the family received a call from a man at around 21:00 hrs on Sunday. “But I think he must’ve been found earlier, you know, because the phone been a ring and no one answered it… Someone called and said uncle Dave dead so I told my husband,” Bridgemohan stated.

She said Persaud left his Grove, East Bank Demerara home at approximately 14:00 hrs and he would typically spend time at the farm on the weekend. The woman said the police didn’t have much to tell them at this point and the family is awaiting the results of the post-mortem examination which will be done on Wednesday.

The family is also awaiting word from family overseas, including his daughter in New York and a brother and sister in Trinidad before making final preparations for a funeral. Persaud was said to be a well-known man in the community and was even involved in his local chapter of community policing.

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