Stabroek News

Conventional equipment could be adapted in sugar mechanization process

Dear Editor,

It was encouraging to read recently that the EU was interested in providing assistance to the sugar industry.
It was stated, however, that this aid would be contingent upon progress towards land modification to facilitate mechanization.

It is noteworthy to recognize that drainage characteristics of the coastal clays have established the cambered bed as the choice for every crop grown with the exception of rice, so it may be wise to consider not only altering the surface configuration, but also the possibility of adapting conventional equipment to suit prevailing conditions.

This should not be too difficult to accomplish. Some agronomic change may relate to different plant spacing to allow passage of wheeled equipment, and no damage to ratoons.

Back in the late seventies Bookers brought in experts from as far as Australia, and was examining the issue at LBI, but events overshadowed any potential changes.

Yours faithfully,
Patrick Scott

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