Stabroek News

Report on Gecom meeting rescheduling inaccurate

 Dear Editor,

It was reported in Demerara Waves dated 25th June, 2013 under caption: ‘Gocool Boodoo’s Contract can’t be renewed’ that two Commissioners associated with the governing People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) were absent from the meeting on Tuesday 25th June, 2013 and that meant there was no quorum.
Among those named absent was Dr Keshav Mangal.

I must state clearly that I attended that meeting at the appointed time and was told that the AC unit in our boardroom was malfunctioning and repairs by the technicians would take three-quarters of an hour.

I was feeling unwell with flu symptoms and indicated to another Commissioner that I was going back home and requested  that he inform the Chairman, Dr Surujbally, as I could not wait for those  repairs to be completed.

In fact, the Chairman, Dr Surujbally called me later at my home enquiring of my health and offered any assistance that I may need – to which I responded I was using my own and well-tried home remedies – and he indicated that the meeting could not proceed for lack of a quorum and would be rescheduled.

Yours faithfully,
Dr K Mangal

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