Stabroek News

Tattoo artist says drug was planted in shop

Tattoo artist Nicholas Troy, who said cannabis found in his shop was planted there, was yesterday remanded to prison.

The allegation against Troy, 25, of Lot 184 Charlotte Street, is that on July 2, at the Merriman Mall, he had in his possession 35 grammes of cannabis for the purpose of trafficking.

The father of three, who was unrepresented by counsel, denied the allegation, telling Magistrate Fabayo Azore that the substance had actually been found in shoes in another shop. “My shop was opened and I saw when an officer went into my shop and said look this thing here, it is my own,” he said.

Troy said that there was a possibility that the substance had been planted in his absence.

No further details of what transpired on the day in question were related to the court.

Prosecutor Ramsahoye Rambajue objected to bail based on his belief that Troy may not return to court.

When asked by the court if he had any final remarks, Troy said he has “children to take of” and repeated that the stuff was not found where he worked.

After not being able to find any special reasons listed by the defendant in his submission, the magistrate announced that bail was refused and the defendant was remanded to prison until July 19.

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