Stabroek News

Still waiting for NIS old age pension

Dear Editor,

I have applied for my old age pension benefit from NIS since May 2, 2012 and to date I have not received any benefits nor any good word from NIS. Mrs Lewis-Baxter, NIS Public Relations Officer, and several other officers were contacted, but I was told the pension is not yet ready and please call again.

I have received grant voucher # 8811171 and control # 0824643 in the sum of five thousand two hundred and sixty six Guyana dollars ($5,266.00) for the period September 13, 10/13, payable on January 12, 2013.

I was employed from 1974-1994, however, after receiving information from the compliance section of NIS that a grant was recommended, I made an appeal dated August 28, 2012 and it was sent to the General Manager of NIS on Registered Mail (AR Delivery) # 1111602 on August 28, 2012 and was received at NIS on September 6, 2012 by one Jones.

My NIS number is B -16598682 and my name is Paras Jadunath. I will be grateful for an early reply in relation to this matter.

Yours faithfully,
Paras Jadunath

Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to Ms Dianne Lewis-Baxter, PRO of NIS for any comment she might wish to make.

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