Dear Editor,
I read with great interest Ralph Ramkarran’s column, ‘The Kleptocratic Republic of Guyana’ in Stabroek News of Sunday, June 23. I believe Ralph Ramkarran was being very kind to the present administration.
I read of the $424,212 for each of the toilets for the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and the Ministry of Works’ reply that the price included doors, fittings, labour and the most interesting part, profit. I looked forward to a release which would have said that the $424,212 for each unit was a typographical error and that it was really $42,400 each. This would have still been high but in the realm of possibility.
This government must stop this ongoing assault on morality and honesty, and worse, stop insulting the intelligence of all Guyanese including their supporters.
Editor, could the Ministers of Works and Finance, the President and our Tender Board tell us what portion of this $424,212 for each toilet constitutes doors, fittings, labour and profit?
Those of us who have been around for many moons do not recall an estimate for the price of an item where the word ‘profit’ was used. In this case, could the responsible Cabinet members say what the percentage of profit is?
Yours faithfully,
Eric Mosely