Stock market updates

GASCI ( Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 521’s trading results showed consideration of $1,446,395 from 9,649 shares traded in 14 transactions as compared to session 520 which showed consideration of $1,175,126 from 44,632 shares traded in 8 transactions.  The stocks active this week were DIH, DBL, DDL, DTC, BTI, PHI, RBL and SPL.

Banks DIH Limited’s (DIH) two trades totalling 2,035 shares represented 21.09% of the total shares traded.  DIH’s shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $20.0, which showed an increase of $2.0 from its previous close of $18.0. DIH’s trades contributed 2.81% ($40,700) of the total consideration. Both of DIH’s trades were at $20.0.

Demerara Bank Limited’s (DBL) single trade of 1,024 shares at $30.0 represented 10.61% of the