Why did the opposition not support the hydropower bill?

Dear Editor,

I have chosen to remain on the Guyana political sidelines since 2000, and to focus on my law practice. However, the recent development within the Parliament is somewhat troubling.

In my humble view, my good friends in the opposition must give a public account as to why they took the position of not supporting what seems on its face to be something good for Guyana ‒ hydropower.

I often times recall my mother, Waveney Saul-Duke, speaking about her former headmaster, Mr Melbourne, saying what a glorious day it will be in Guyana when we harness the power of our great waterfalls to give us energy.

So as a layman in this matter I am respectfully asking our national leaders on both sides of the aisle, what went wrong and why could we not work this one out?  We all love Guyana and would want the best for our country and its people. We want lower GPL bills and more international investment. It is good for the people, it is good for Guyana.

So please explain to me ‒ to us Guyanese ‒ what is the problem? I am not holding any brief for any one side, just respectfully asking for an explanation.

National leaders please put me ashore; GPL bills are too much for me.


Yours faithfully,
Melvin Duke