Stabroek News

Hururu, bauxite company sign new lease agreement


Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc., (BGGI) and the Hururu village council, Region 10 yesterday signed a new lease pact and a Memorandum of Amendment to the existing mining agreement between the two sides.

The Government Information Agency said yesterday that the village council will receive $1.1M per month

Hururu’s Toshao, Winsbert Benjamin signs the lease agreement between his community and Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc., (BCGI). (GINA photo)

from the company which will be used to develop the community as a result of it leasing more land to the company. GINA said that the Hururu Village Council had in 2005 leased its land to RUSAL, paying $1.3M monthly.

GINA said that BCGI will construct a new mine and its infrastructural facilities at Kurubuka-22 that would open up jobs for more than 1,000 workers and subcontractors in Region 10.

Hururu had recently been at odds with BCGI over the terms of the lease agreement.

Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai recognised that the agreement came after many challenges between the village and BCGI which her ministry has been trying to iron out.

The new mine at Kurubuka has seen over US$20M in investment and Natural Resources Minister Robert Persaud said that a substantial amount of that sum has already been invested. The mine will be in full operation by the last quarter of 2014.

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