Dear Editor,
It is with great frustration that I pen this letter to draw the attention of the relevant authorities about the urgent need for the replacement of street lamps in my community. The area to which I refer is located at the Danjou Alley Bridge which leads to Blueberry Hill, in Christianburg, Wismar.
Given the natural hilly landscape of Linden, the light was strategically placed at this bridge to illuminate the area which consists of several steep gullies and valley-like terrain surrounded by thick vegetation which leads to land with several springs, creeks and lakes.
At night, this area becomes extremely dark and the light from houses in close proximity is unable to brighten the environs because of the very tall trees and lush vegetation.
I particularly took time to describe the physical layout of this location to explain what a haven for criminal activities it has the potential of becoming. We fear criminal elements secluding themselves under the bridge, in the gullies or among the thick vegetation and pouncing on innocent passersby.
I am making a desperate call on those in authority to replace this lamp which has been out of working order for some three months now. It is a source of great safety concern for us, both men and women who have to pass that way at night, especially those whose work either begins or ends on the late shift, and even persons going home from church and elsewhere.
Several residents have approached representatives of the Region on a number of occasions in a bid to have the lamp replaced, but to no avail.
We would like our fears to be alleviated so that our lives can return to some degree of normalcy.
In the circumstances, on behalf of the residents of Blueberry Hill, I am humbly seeking your assistance in appealing to the relevant authorities to reinstall our street lamp.
Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)