Stabroek News

Man accused of tossing gun at traffic stop, remanded

A twenty-two-year-old man was yesterday remanded after police alleged that he threw a gun out of the car he was in at a traffic stop.

It is the police’s case that on September 16, at the Avenue of the Republic, Terry Phillips had in his possession a gun without being the holder of a firearm licence. On the same day he also had in his possession 3 rounds of matching ammunition without being the holder of a firearm licence.

Phillips of Lot 16 Tucville, Georgetown pleaded not guilty when he appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman to answer the charges.

The unrepresented Phillips told the court, “Your Worship I was at the East Coast bus park waiting on a bus, a car came and myself and three others joined it.” The car, he said, was later stopped by the police and searched, and a gun was found on the ground. “Your worship the gun was on the ground, they did not find it on me,” Phillips said.

Police Prosecutor Vishnu Hunt objected to bail saying. “According to the facts the police saw when the accused threw the gun on the ground.”

Bail was refused and Phillips was remanded to prison.  He is to return to court on October 4.

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