Stabroek News

Man remanded over beating wife with bucket

A man was yesterday remanded to prison after he allegedly assaulted his wife with a plastic bucket, reportedly violating a restraining order previously obtained against him.

The charge read at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court stated that on September 24 at Georgetown, Rocky Chinsammy unlawfully assaulted Bandwattie Chinsammy so as to cause actual bodily harm.

He pleaded not guilty to the charge.

Prosecutor Deniro Jones did not object to bail being granted.

The virtual complainant (VC) told the court that on the day of the incident her husband hit her with a plastic bucket on her head and hands.

She said this all happened as a result of an argument between them.

She added that her knees are bruised because she fell while being beaten.

When asked by Magistrate Ann McLennan whether she was afraid of him, the VC informed the court that she was afraid because her husband had told her that if she locked him up, he will kill her when he gets out.

She also said that she had previously taken out a restraining order against her husband which has not yet expired.

This led Magistrate McLennan to conclude that the defendant had violated the terms of that bond.

He was remanded until October 4.

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