Stabroek News

The international community needs a co-ordinated action plan against global terrorism

Dear Editor,

This is in reference to your editorial ‘Westgate Mall’ (Sep 25). Increasing instances of terrorism have become a formidable challenge to global peace and security. The international community needs to evolve a co-ordinated action plan against terrorism or else the terrorists will not cease their activities.

Such heinous killings as Westgate and what recently happened at a church in Peshawar have left the world a very insecure place.  Those who indulge in such gruesome activities have no moral values. One can only feel pity for people losing their loved ones. Heartfelt condolences to the families of those martyred in this cowardly attack.

Westgate was Kenya’s worst terrorist attack since the bombing of the United States Embassy in Nairobi 15 years ago. The attack by Islamists took the lives of several nationalities including a large number of Indian or South Asian descent as the international media is reporting. The mall is in the heart of the Indian diaspora communities in Nairobi. Our fellow Caricom national Ravindra Ramrattan, a Trinidadian, was cut down in the prime of his life.

It is clear that the jihadists are increasingly selecting unprotected targets like the Westgate Mall, which can be attacked with relatively little risk as they attract large numbers of people. The same can happen in any part of the globe.  No place is really safe as such form of global terror poses a threat to the world. As the New York Times reported, the raid on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi was meticulously planned, rehearsed and executed. It is time the international community (at the UN) devote resources to tackle this menace as every country is threatened. The global body needs to make it crystal clear that the world will not allow terrorists to control our lives. The global community (world leaders) must combat and defeat the terrorist menace which continues to receive encouragement, finance and reinforcement from some countries and a terror network.


Yours faithfully,
Vishnu Bisram

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