Dear Editor,
Ralph Ramkarran’s letter (Stabroek News, October 20) invites a response. I will essay a partial one. Firstly I wish Mr. Ramkarran to know that for me his weekly offerings are required reading not only because they jog the memory but also they stimulate thought. Secondly I wish to make clear that I was not “demanding” anything of him. In expressing a wish to be enlightened in respect of two questions I posed in my letter (SN October 18) I looked forward to a response from anyone in a position, and who was willing, to do so. Now that Mr. Ramkarran has I wonder whether he would shed light on an issue which follows from a remark he made. He said “And the WPA declined the offer of the PPP for a governance arrangement”. Was a similar offer made to any other party?
However my overriding concern which I endeavoured to express was and is about the present and the future prospect of achieving national unity and all that that portends. Maybe there can be purposeful conversations on this issue leading to consensual outcomes which will hopefully be implemented.
Yours faithfully,
Rashleigh E. Jackson