Stabroek News

Cevons not being paid $38m for moving rubbish from Stabroek Market

Dear Editor,

It has been indicated that Cevons Waste Management/Dartmouth Skips Rental is being paid 38 million dollars for the moving of garbage from the Stabroek Market and we would be happy to clear the air.

Stabroek Market

At this market we were responsible for the provision of a Waste Compactor to store and compress the waste. The City Council workers were responsible for collecting the garbage in and around the Stabroek Market and bring same to our Compactor for storage and disposal.

At Stabroek Market our Compactor was working from 7am to 6pm for $23,657.00 daily or $2,150.00 per hour inclusive of Sundays and holidays moving about eleven (11) truck loads of garbage per day. This equates to $2,150.00 to take a truck load of garbage to Eccles Landfill Site.


Bourda Market

At the Bourda Market we were responsible for providing a Waste Compactor from 7am to 5pm but we were working up to 11pm at no extra cost to city council. We were being paid $28,800.00 daily or $1,800.00 per hour inclusive of Sundays and holidays moving about seventeen (17) truck loads of garbage per day. This equates to $1,694.00 to take a truck load of garbage to Eccles Landfill Site.

Total Payment

Any Common Entrance Student would work out that the above amount is way below the $38 million per year that is being touted in the media.

We have noted the equipment inclusive of Backhoes, Tractor and Trailer, Trucks and labour currently employed by the Council to move the same waste and would be happy to know the cost savings not withstanding value for money.


Yours faithfully,
Morris Archer
Development and Marketing

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