Dear Editor,
Mr. Andrew Campbell in Wednesday’s edition of your newspaper `All the Region One swimmers can’t be drawn from Moruca’ sought to pacify me and failed miserably.
1) Mr. Campbell is not the Regional Communications Officer of the RDC Region 1 and cannot provide the justifications for the shortage of funds on behalf of the Region.
2) In living memory, there has never been a swimming competition as part of the Inter-Zone competitions in Region 1. Why?
3) I would like Mr. Campbell to compare Region 9’s and Region 1’s efforts and spending at Inter-Zones 2013. For his information, it was held in Aishalton, Deep South Rupununi and there was swimming!!
4) I would like Region 1 sports to soar to greater heights and wish this year’s athletes success at Nationals. I have little time for long-winded flimsy excuses.
5) Now that we suddenly know what the cost is of these Inter-Zones, we can only hope that the silent officials will put it in their budget and add in the cost of an Inter-Zones swimming championship for 2014 for Region 1. Since Mr. Campbell is living in Mabaruma I am tasking him to keep reminding the officials over there.
As I write, Region 1 athletes are preparing for Nationals 2013 minus the swimmers.
I hope never to write again about athletes from Region 1 not going to Nationals to compete because there is a shortage of funds!!
Yours faithfully,
Paul Graham Atkinson
Sports enthusiast
Barima/Waini, Region 1