Steps to ease traffic congestion

Dear Editor,


The increase of vehicles in and around the city will continue and also the traffic congestion if we do not fix the problem.

We have the four-lane East Bank road, I would not call this a highway. Compared to other developed countries, this is far from that. Anyway, whenever this is completed from Timehri to ???, will surely reduce the traffic congestion on the East Bank Demerara but will not fix the problem, particularly in the heart of the city.

We need to focus on other existing roads where we can widen (broaden) to divert some traffic, we also need to repair (upgrade) other roads. Below are four suggestions which if taken seriously and a budget is allocated, I think it can help to reduce traffic from other main roads.

Below are the areas (roads)  which I believe once widened can reduce the congestion and the travelling time for many.

(1)          Repair Success Street and possible widen (broaden) same from (Cemetery Road to La Penitence) market, years ago, I remember hire cars used to operate this route.

(2)          Widen (broaden) Punt Trench Dam (aka Independence Blvd), this is an ideal area to make a two- lane traffic flow, this will reduce the time for many workers and reduce traffic coming from the East Coast, Sheriff Street etc., instead of all traffic using the Back Road.

(3)          Repair Middle Road and Front Road, this also can and will reduce traffic flow.

(4)          All cross pickets leading from Punt Trench Dam to Middle Road can be widened and turned into proper cross roads/streets.

I hope the relevant authority can read this letter and possible put an action plan in place.


Yours faithfully,