A teenager of Affiance, Essequibo Coast was on Friday found hanging in her bedroom.
According to reports, Shalini Deolall, 17, a former student of Abram’s Zuil Secondary School was found hanging with a bed sheet around her neck, around 15:00 hrs yesterday. It is suspected that she took her own life.
Her father Jaglall Deolall, who made the discovery, told this publication that he was out and when he got home, he found his daughter hanging in her bedroom.

The visibly distraught man said he had never had any problems with Shalini, so he had no clue why she would have taken such action. “We never had no problems with her. She never even use to leave this yard,” the grieving father said.
When Stabroek News visited the home, neighbours and friends were gathered to share their sympathy with the family.
Shalini Deolall has left to mourn her mom, dad and two siblings.