Stabroek News

Venezuelan women fined, ordered deported after illegal entry

Two Venezuelan women, one of whom claimed she came to Guyana to see her son, were yesterday ordered deported after they pleaded guilty to illegally entering the country.

According to Prosecutor Vishnu Hunt, Erika Hernandez, 25, on November 8, entered Guyana by sea on a small boat and disembarked at Morawhanna in the North West District, failing to present herself to an immigration officer.

Marian Gonzalez, 26, of Santa Fe, Venezuela was also faced with the same charge.

On the day in question, the women were arrested in Bartica and asked to produce their relevant documents. However, they were unable to do so and were subsequently arrested. Both women pleaded guilty when the charges were read to them.

Through a translator, Hernandez stated that she is in a common-law relationship with a Guyanese and has a son with the man. She said she came to Guyana to see her child, who is Guyanese-born.

The women were each fined $30,000 with an alternative of 12 months imprisonment by Magistrate Judy Latchman. They are to be deported back to Venezuela after the payment of the fine or imprisonment.

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