Stabroek News

Alberttown man shot dead outside Main St night spot

An Alberttown man was gunned down early this morning as he left a Main Street night spot.
Police sources identifed him as Denzil Mingo. He was shot multiple times. His killing is the latest in a series of what seem like hits. In these cases there are usually no arrests by the police.
The police this afternoon issued the following release:

At about 0430h. today Saturday November 16, 2013, two men armed with firearms opened fire on Denzil Mingo, 21 years, of Third Street, Alberttown; Joseph Barker of Fifth Street, Alberttown; and Earlson Murray, 23 years, of Norton Street, Wortmanville, while they were in a motor vehicle on Main Street, Georgetown..

Denzil Mingo was hit several times about the body and was pronounced DOA at the GPHC, while Joseph Barker was struck about the body and has been admitted to hospital.

Their motor vehicle which was damaged by the gunfire has been detained by the police.

Investigations are in progress.

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