Charity, Essequibo Coast is a booming waterfront community from where many persons access the Pomeroon. It has been experiencing a serious garbage crisis recently. This week we asked the man/woman in the street for their views on how this crisis should be dealt with. Their comments follow:

David Fraser, miner – ‘The place where the garbage is currently being thrown should be moved to another location. This is the front line and Charity is also a main port and I think the garbage is a terrible sight. There is a lot of stray dogs that surround the place where the bins are and this is often a hindrance to traffic and pedestrians. The NDC should be able to look into the matter because a lot of persons vend around the area and people are often sceptical to buy goods and other items because of the state of the garbage site that is far too close to the market.’
Shonette Benn, businesswoman – ‘I think the government should really do something about the garbage situation because it really stinks especially on Mondays when we have persons from all over the coast coming into Charity. It is very embarrassing for vendors and residents of Charity. Our NDC should contact the government for money and get a machine to clean the area. The trenches need to be cleaned too because they are in a terrible state at present.’
Kenesha Douglas, vendor – ‘The garbage situation is bad. The bins are not in a suitable position because as soon as you get out of a vehicle it is into the garbage. The garbage site is in front of the market square and it is smelly and also a health hazard. The NDC should relocate the bins and clean up the site.’
Devindra Rampersaud, minibus driver – ‘The garbage is terrible. The site where the bins are located should be moved. The garbage is not being cleaned as often as it should so the smell is obnoxious and the just by seeing the state of the garbage is unpleasant to the eyes. The NDC should get persons to clean the area more often and make sure that vendors and residents are adhering to the sanitation rules.’
Beatrice Parks, community social worker – ‘Since the former Chairman of the NDC resigned, the garbage situation has escalated. Rubbish started to pile up and it became out of control. The man who used to collect the garbage around Charity using his trailer used to do an excellent job but since the contract was given to Puran Brothers, garbage is all over the place. Starting from the area next to the NDC office and going down the road, stinks. You feel nauseated by just smelling the garbage. We need an educated man like the former one who used to do the garbage collection. The NDC should give their input as much as they can since Charity is a primary town. The vendors should also pack up their rubbish and dispose of it properly instead of littering. Persons should also be charged for littering.’

Lyndon Moore, businessman – ‘It’s clear that unless the authority takes appropriate measures, people will continue to discard of their garbage anywhere. Although they have a civic obligation to keep the environment clean, people do not

comply with that civic responsibility. The NDC should provide much more bins and the bins need to be emptied on a more consistent basis. The NDC knows what they ought to be doing but it is clear they are not doing it, so I think that since the NDC has proven itself to be incompetent. Citizens should take it upon themselves to keep a clean environment.’
James Parkes, boat builder – ‘The garbage is very nasty. There is a lot of waste around the place and it stinks. The bins are in a wrong position. They are on the eastern side of the waterfront and when the breeze blows, the stench is far reaching. Persons who are found throwing garbage outside of the bins should be forced to pay a fine so as to decrease the garbage issue.’
Azad Alli, butcher – ‘The issue is not up to standard. The bins should be moved to another location. The NDC should ensure that another site is located sooner rather than later. The NDC should pull their socks up with this issue.’
Babita Harrypersaud, pharmacist – ‘It’s not healthy for the environment. We have a lot of tourist and visitors who come into Charity and the garbage site is a unpleasant thing to see. The NDC should get a proper dumpsite because the current site is in front of the market square. More bins are also needed and house to house collectors should be employed. Persons who do not adhere to the regulations concerning the garbage should be charged.’
Brianna Vincent, sales clerk – ‘Being in front of the market square, the bins are in a wrong position. The flies and stray dogs that the garbage attract are a health hazard and can cause sicknesses. They should have a special person who can organise a litter bug campaign and when this is done, persons who are found littering should be fined. There is a lot of snacknettes around and persons do want to buy because of the stench of the garbage. We all have to work in order to maintain a healthy environment.’