Stabroek News

Why did the Prime Minister and not the Mayor switch on the Courts Xmas lights?

Dear Editor,

We note how the Guyana Chronicle devoted most of its page to the Courts Main Street Xmas Light Up ‒ “a fairy land festooned with twinkling coloured lights,” but this event exposes a further decline in the affairs of Guyana.

For years as a family man, I looked forward to this annual event, when the then Manager, Mr Errol La Blanc did the proper thing; he had the Mayor of the city switch on the lights and we had Howard Lorrimer bringing the event to life with his bit of comedy.

This year the Prime Minister who was carrying out the duties of President was asked to switch on the lights. Main Street and its avenue is the responsibility of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council and I assume Courts had to seek their permission to carry out Friday’s activities, so why the Prime Minister? It was always the Mayor.

Is this part of a surrender to the PPP government philosophy, which demands that like pot salt they need be in every facet of our lives?

Mr Clyde de Haas, the General Manager of Courts, owes citizens an explanation.

Yours faithfully,
Eric Moseley

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