Stabroek News regrets that in our edition yesterday the final line of a letter and the name of the signatory were omitted. The letter by Mr Tony Vieira was captioned: ‘A 1985 judicial decision in T&T ensured that political parties there were allotted time on the state-owned media in keeping with their parliamentary seats.” We reprint the last paragraph below:
“The opposition should take the bull by the horns and hold the entire budget, which cannot pass through the House unless they support it, and force the PPP to comply with their demands, just as they have done with the money laundering legislation. It’s their obligation to hold the government to ransom for concessions which would give them the rightful place in our society that their 33 seats entitles them to, and which is being wrongly and probably illegally denied them by the PPP.
“Yours faithfully,
“Tony Vieira”