Stabroek News

Muslim teacher for High Court trial over sexual molestation charges

The Muslim scholar accused of sexual misconduct involving nine minor boys was yesterday committed to stand trial in the High Court by Magistrate Alex Moore, who found that a prima facie case was established against him.

At yesterday’s hearing, Magistrate Moore concluded, that there was enough evidence for Nezaam Ali to stand trial in the High Court. “The best place for this case to be ventilated is in the High Court…,” stated Magistrate Moore. Ali, was also told of his right to summon witnesses and he “reserved” his defence, in the presence of his lawyer Nigel Hughes.

Additionally, the court was told of another to be brought against Ali, which will be read on December 11.

Nezaam Ali

Ali will stand trial in the High Court, before a judge and a jury of his peers, where his fate will be decided on the allegations against him. He is currently still on bail.

It was first reported in this newspaper, that Ali, of 268 Section ‘C’ 5 South Turkeyen, during December 2011 to January 2012, being a teacher attached to the Turkeyen Masjid, molested minor boys.

Ali was not required to plead to the indictable charge, which alleged that he engaging in sexual penetration of the boys while in a position of trust, being a religious teacher, and that he knew, and could be reasonably expected, to have known the position of trust he held in relation to the boys.

According to reports, the allegations of the abuse first came to light when the Child Care and Protection Agency (CC&PA) received an anonymous tip and officials there began an investigation that led them to the boys who were then between the ages of four and ten. The police were informed of the situation and after the boys were medically examined, Ali, who was employed with the Central Islamic organisation of Guyana (CIOG), was arrested, released on station bail and subsequently charged. Ali was also sent on leave, pending the outcome of this matter.

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