Stabroek News

Boy, 2, burned after dad threw fuel on coal pot

A two-year-old boy is currently a patient of the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH) after he was burnt when his father attempted to light a coal pot using fuel.

His father, 22-year-old Kevin Madramootoo, of Section ‘C’ Turkeyen, also sustained burns to his left foot. Speaking with Stabroek News, Madramootoo said that around 1 pm yesterday, he was about to prepare lunch using a coal pot.

He added that when he lit the coals, he threw gasoline into the coal pot, which caused a huge burst of flames.

He added that he had no idea how the fire got to his two-year-old son. “I just hear he crying and when I look, I see he head and back pun fire,” Madramootoo said.

He said he rushed to put out the fire that had begun to spread on his son’s body.

Family members subsequently went to their assistance and both Madramootoo and his son were taken to GPH.

However, Madramootoo was released from the hospital around 5 pm yesterday, while his son, Anthony Alex Madramootoo, remains a patient at the hospital, nursing burns to his head, arms and back.

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