Stabroek News

Construction worker fined $40,000 over threatening language

Faced with two charges of threatening language against two men, Odel Drakes, 27, apparently agreed that honesty was indeed the best policy when he admitted to his crimes at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday.

As he made his way to his car on November 28 after purchasing some credit for his phone, Trevor Maxwell said  that he was approached on November 28 by Drakes. Drakes, Maxwell told Magistrate Judy Latchman, was armed with a knife and a gun and threatened to murder him. According to Maxwell, Drakes was unknown to him. Similarly, Bevon Thorne was approached by Drakes on November 28 in a shop. Thorne said that he was purchasing a soda when Drakes approached him from behind and commented that people like Thorne should be dead. Drakes then proceeded to attack Thorne, who fought back. Thorne, who said that Drakes is known to him, said he used a knife during the attack.

After both Maxwell and Thorne gave their accounts, Drakes said that although he did initiate the confrontations, he never used a gun against anyone.

Drakes, who is a construction worker, was subsequently fined $40,000 for his crimes with an alternative of spending six months in prison.

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