Stabroek News

Inside job suspected in Comfort Sleep fires

After grilling 19 employees, investigators believe that two fires that have hit Comfort Sleep within one month may be the result of an inside job.

“It looks like an inside job. We had questioned the guy (the owner of Comfort Sleep) and he didn’t say anything but that it looks like someone spiting him from within…,” a source close to the investigation told Stabroek News.

When contacted, Fire Chief Marlon Gentle explained that he was out of town on duty and had not yet been briefed on the findings and could not comment until he had concrete findings.

The source explained that the insurance company, Hand in Hand Insurance, was also carrying out investigations. He explained that preliminary suspicions that the fire is an inside job may change after police and firefighters examine the reports from both infernos.

The Comfort Sleep bond was destroyed about one month ago and last Thursday fire destroyed the company’s factory at the Eccles Industrial Site, East Bank Demerara.

The owner of the Company would not speak to this publication and while Production Manager Deodat Narine had said that after the “dust had settled” he would talk, his mobile phone remained off up to yesterday.

Brother of the owner of the establishment, Paul Krishna, who had rushed to the scene lamented to reporters on the night of the factory fire that he wanted the public to know that the fire was “not natural” but would not go into detail as to what he meant.


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