Stabroek News

Mandela’s legacy is one we shall always celebrate

Dear Editor,

The world has lost a great freedom fighter and statesman with the death of South Africa’s first black President, Nelson Mandela. All is not lost, however, for he has left us with a great legacy and left us richer than anything money can buy. He lived his life by the virtues of truth, honesty, knowledge, caring and sharing with peace.

We are indeed saddened by his passing but he lived a great life, touching the world with his genuine love, kindness and compassion, having taught us much, so let’s celebrate his life. “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”

The world has lost democracy’s most loyal friend and advocate for freedom and justice. Nelson Mandela was the 20th century’s icon of freedom and liberty. He inspired us to believe that no obstacle is too large; no walk is too long, and no enemy of freedom is so powerful, that we should ever consider giving in. He has lived a life not only for himself and the people of South Africa, but the entire world. He has lit the candle for the world to see freedom.

His life will surely become one of the most epic stories in world history, of the true depth and strength of the human spirit. He inspired us with his life, his words, his work and his triumph.

Mandela will forever be remembered as a man who fought for freedom and won it for millions around the world, without once compromising his beliefs or his principles. He sacrificed his life for freedom.

The legacy he has left us is one we shall always celebrate and we shall always thank God for Nelson Mandela. The prayers, love and support of the Board of Directors, Executives and members of the Humanitarian Mission of New Jersey Arya Samaj Mandir, Inc, its Guyana and Toronto Chapter are with his family and those dear to him.

May he rest in peace knowing that he leaves behind many who will continue his fight and carry on his legacy.

Yours faithfully,

Pandit Sugrim

Humanitarian Mission

New Jersey Arya Samaj Mandir

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