Stabroek News

The world has lost a genuine statesman

Dear Editor,

The world has lost a genuine statesman and leader in the passing of Nelson Mandela. He could be described as an inspirational leader who over the decades has impacted positively on the lives of countless people all over the globe.

Mandela has demonstrated that there is dignity in struggle and that might is not a right. He led a relentless attack against apartheid rule in South Africa for which he suffered imprisonment for twenty-seven years until he finally broke the back of white minority rule.

Mandela lived to see his country transformed from a pariah state to a respected democracy and a strong emerging economy. He subsequently became the first Black president of South Africa.

His legacy of struggle and national reconciliation will live on and continue to inspire others for generations to come.

May his soul rest in peace.

Yours faithfully,

Hydar Ally

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