Stabroek News

Charity teen found hanging in home

A teenager of Charity, Essequibo Coast was yesterday found hanging in her home and it is believed that she took her own life.

Talya De Silva, 16, a fifth form student of Charity Secondary School was found hanging with a bed sheet around her neck. The discovery was made by her younger brother and sister who were home at the time. Reasons as to why she might have committed the act are still unclear. Her body was taken to the Charity Hospital mortuary and a post-mortem examination is expected to be performed today.

Over the past month, there has been an upsurge in teen deaths by apparent suicide on the Essequibo Coast.

De Silva is the second teenage who reportedly committed suicide by hanging.  Shalini Deolall, 17, of Affiance reportedly took her life on November 9, using the same method. On December 5, Khavita Rambajue, 17, of Suddie died at the Suddie Public Hospital after having reportedly ingested a poisonous substance a few days before.

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