Stabroek News

No bail for accused in robbery of Lusignan car dealership

One of the two men who allegedly robbed an auto dealership at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara, of two cars was yesterday remanded to prison.

It was alleged at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts that on November 15, at Lusignan, Devon Sears, 32, of Bent Street, Wortmanville, while in the company of another, stole two motor cars valued $6.3M from Sanjay Baboolall.

The cars were the property of Rubina Khan.

He was not required to plead to the indictable charge.

Prosecutor Bharat Mangru said that on November 15, two men robbed Baboolall of two cars at Selena’s Auto Sales.

He added that at some point before, during or after the attack, the two men used personal violence towards Baboolall. One of the cars was recovered along the Lusignan Railway Embankment, according to Mangru, who said Sears was identified by Baboolall during an identification (ID) parade.

Mangru added that Sears admitted under caution that he had taken the car from Hadfield Street to a mechanic. The parts of the car are believed to have been sold to mechanic, Adrian De Souza, 40, of Lot 35 Campbell Avenue, by Randy Paul Garret, 19, of Lot 298 Nutmeg Street and Ryan Jones, 21, of 14 ‘C’ New Road, Vreed-en-Hoop. All three persons are currently remanded in prison.

Mangru objected to bail being granted given the seriousness and prevalence of the offence.

Attorney Latchmi Rahamat said that her client has one pending sexual offence matter but has never been convicted. She further stated that Sears was forced to sign a document by police officers and added that the virtual complainant was invited to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) prior to the ID parade being done.

Rahamat said that her client was willing to lodge his passport or check in at a police station if granted bail. She further stated that her client had an alibi, noting that he was conducting a minibus and had witnesses to verify the claim.

Bail was denied and he was remanded to prison until December 20, when the case will be called at the Vigilance Magistrate’s Court.

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