Stabroek News

Grove policing group elects new executive

The Grove Community Policing Group elected office bearers at its recent AGM held in the Grove/Diamond NDC boardroom.

At the November 28 meeting which was relocated from its usual venue, the Grove Police Station compound, the chairman, secretary and treasurer of the group presented their reports for 2011-2013. ‘A’ Division Executive Chairman Ovid Austin who was acting as Returning Officer dissolved the previous executive and subsequently elections for the 2013-2014 executive was held.

The new executive comprises Kristopher Roberts, who was re-elected as chairman; Rohan Lall, vice chairman; Mohamed Insaf Jumaladeen, secretary; Roshan Jaundoo, treasurer; Ricardo Jagdeo, assistant secretary and Murlin Massiah, PRO. The committee members are Jamel Jaundoo, Lemin Massiah, Elroy Richards, Sooklall Kissoon and Sheldon Fraser.

Station Sergeant Adonis made brief remarks and Austin encouraged the group to stay focused on the job and to continue to cooperate with ranks at the station. Roberts then singled out a few members of the business community for their yearly support, including Community Pharmacy, Lisa’s Store, Guyana Beverage Inc, DDL, GBTI, Cellular Planet Digicel Store, Digital Technology, Demerara Bank, Bounty Farm, Grove; A Ally and Sons, Grove and others.


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