Stabroek News

Derrick Josiah had clean hands and a cool head

Dear Editor,

I learned with much grief about the death of Derrick Josiah, Assistant Commissioner and Commander ‘A’ Division.  News of this irreparable loss hit me like a bolt from the blue. I want to believe that all those who knew Derrick are equally perturbed.

I was an instructor at the Police Training School when Derrick Josiah are several other persons were enlisted in the Guyana Police Force as recruits. Very early in their initial training Derrick was identified as an individual with tremendous potential for growth and development.

He did not disappoint us. With hard work and dedication he rose to the rank of Assistant Commissioner. He served at Police Headquarters, West Demerara, East Coast, the interior locations, Berbice and Georgetown. He held several positions including instructor at the Felix Austin Police College, prosecutor, station sergeant, Sub-Divisional Officer, second in command of Division Commanders of  ‘A’ and ‘B’ Divisions, Chairman of the Police Association, Chairman of the football section and Chairman of the Joint Services Sports Committee.

He attended several training programmes both locally and overseas.

I had the opportunity to mentor Derrick. He was an excellent mentee and later became a mentor for numerous persons. He was always humble and thirsty for knowledge. He was an excellent listener and very analytical. He always called me Mr Conway, even when he was promoted to Assistant Commissioner and we became equals in terms of rank. I told Derrick that he could call me Clinton or CC, and he said with a smile, “OK Mr Conway.”  He recalled reading Animal Farm and he believed all men are equal but some are more equal than others, so I remained Mr Conway.

Derrick played a major role at our meetings. He was a live wire and very humorous. He played a major role in designing, developing, implementing and evaluating strategies in relation to the policy document for the Guyana Police Force response to domestic violence in Guyana. He was the human rights activist in the Guyana Police Force.

I listened to George Vyphuis paying tribute to Derrick Josiah. He said that Josiah would have become a commissioner of police. I shared the same sentiments. Derrick was the commanders’ commander. I want to believe that Derrick was called to higher service than that of the commissioner.

Derrick served without favour, malice or ill will. Courtesy, politeness, honesty, integrity, dedication, impartiality, dignity and professionalism were common attributes of his operational life.

Derrick had clean hands, a cool head, a warm heart and a great passion for his job and his God.

I wish to express heartfelt sympathy to his sorrowing wife, children, and grandchildren and other members of the bereaved family.

May his soul rest in peace.


Yours faithfully,
Clinton Conway
Retired Assistant
Commissioner of Police

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