Stabroek News

Supervisor behaved uncouthly

Dear Editor,

On Friday, December 13 at about 09:05 hours, at the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security Water Street, Stabroek, a number of pensioners who missed the published dates for the collection of their pension books, at designated centres, came to collect them.

The young lady who was responsible for the issuance of the books for the South Ruimveldt area, informed the pensioners, that they would have to wait and that they should have collected their books at the designated centres. A pensioner apparently complained to someone in authority who, instead of approaching the young lady to find out what the problem was, decided, from his office, and at the top of his voice, to shout to her saying, “[Surname given] you had better ensure that all the pensioners receive their books today.”

I was the first to enter her office after the threat, and to my dismay and embarrassment, I found her crying bitterly, whilst sorting out the pension books.

She had her head bowed, and was attempting to stem the flow of tears from her eyes with her hand. I advised her to sit and try to relax. When in my opinion, she had returned to some semblance of normality, I left her office. I advised the pensioners outside to wait a few minutes before entering. I also apprised a supervisor (who a few moments ago had threatened pensioners with the police), about the young lady’s condition. Her response left much to be desired.

Finally, pensioners should realize that with age comes tolerance, patience, and the ability to refrain from arrogance.


Yours faithfully,
CS Vaughn
Major (retd)

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